Y2K Finance
Positions surrounding pegged assets
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October 28, 2022
Y2K Finance Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds to Help Power Earthquake Vaults
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Y2K Finance

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At Y2K, users can approach multiple risk positions on a variety of pegged assets in order to hedge or profit off of a pegged assets performance during an epoch. Whether it be stablecoins, pegged derivatives, or liquid wrappers, Y2K’s product stack will be extremely efficient for trading and anticipating market movements for all types of pegged assets.

Our primary product is Earthquake, offering vaults for users to play either side of various pegged assets. Users can hedge against a depeg occurring by paying a premium on their deposit every epoch, and are paid out in the event their vault’s asset depegs below their chosen strike. On the other hand, users can deposit collateral that will be liquidated in the event of a depeg below their strike, but receive premium payments every epoch.

The Wildfire market will be a secondary trading outlet for exchanging tokenized Earthquake vault positions. The Tsunami GLP-style product is still in development, and will pass down yield from MEV captured in market operations such as auctioning order flow and arbitraging pegged collateral.

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